Wendy Berezovsky, founder of Sweet Dreams for Kids, and her family threw a pajama party at Star Studio on May 31.
Kids don’t always understand that sometimes it hurts to feel better. At Children’s, we believe that the small things can make a big difference to our patients and families.
Wendy Berezovsky knows firsthand from the time she spent at Children’s with her daughter, Dalya, who was born with cancer and spent much of her first year here, that a cozy pair of pajamas can bring a smile to the face of a young patient.
Wendy started Sweet Dreams for Kids, an organization that has donated more than 3,000 pajamas to patients in Minnesota hospitals and beyond and brought new pajamas to our patients for a super fun PJ Party-themed show in the Star Studio on Thursday, May 31. Kids tuned in from their hospital beds or came to the first-floor studio to join the slumber party games, stories and songs!
Thank you Sweet Dreams for Kids!